EMD's comprehensive, customizable, and modular process allows clients to engage EMD as little or as much as needed. Our system is built on the lean product development techniques popular now but in practice at EMD for decades. Lean is in our DNA.
The objective of the "FINDING" phase is to identify a problem worth solving or a benefit worth enabling ... simply put, find the job that needs to be done.
(or qualitative)
uncover users needs and jobs to be done that are ...
... obvious
​... tolerated​
... latent
The more frustrating and hidden the need, the more valuable the opportunity
dozens of product, service, or business model opportunities ... ranked and rated for screening
top priority opportunities are ready to move forward
Often clients have a clear and focused idea on the job to be done or problem to solve ... GREAT!!! We can get started right away making product magic happen.
The "CONNECTING" phase is the core to finding and creating a technical, sustainable, competitive advantage. This is where product innovation happens!
ideation, scouting,
& acquisition
breaks the barriers to innovation ...
... resulting in previously unforeseen technologies or approaches ready to connect to market opportunities
psychological inertia
the Abilene effect
the M-curve
the feasibility frontier
creates the first proof-of-principle system or crude product (some call it the minimum viable product) ...
... this illuminates the path for patent protection and the path through Development
(technology stage
The most critical outcome of this phase is a system that WORKS. Once you know exactly what it takes to function well, then it's time to move forward. To engage in looks like or design work prior to knowing what it takes to work risks time and money ... that type of work happens next.
In the "DEVELOPING" stage, the crude (but functioning and viable) product is designed for aesthetics, and user interface preferences and then engineered for reliable assembly, affordability, and robust use. The heart of the proof-of-principle monster is refined with a soul.
design &
focuses on the overall looks, interface, and usability of the design ... without sacrificing how it works. The combination of solving a meaningful problem with an elegant design creates the WOW factor sought in any new product innovation.
a blockbuster product emerges by attention to detail focusing on cost, quality, failure modes, and safety ... engineering documents are prepared for production quotes.